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Golden Rules Of Online Marketing When you know, respect and live the fundamental 
لتحميل القاموس الطبي اضغط عالربط اسفله


 قاموس طبي من اللغة الإنجليزية الى اللغة العربية وبالعكس بدون إنترنت , يحتوي القاموس على الميزات التالية : 
- ما يقارب الف كلمة !!!
- ترجمه من اللغة الإنجيليزية الى اللغة العربية وبالعكس 
- يعمل بدون الحاجة الى انترنت 
- بسيط و سهل الإستخدام 
- يمكنك الانتقال بين اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية بلمسة واحدة.
- يمكنك إدخال الكلمات عن طريق الصوت

truths of life, your journey becomes easier and your load much lighter.

Here are the fundamental truths of online marketing, of life, and of the universe. And also guide you about online marketing step by step .

However, Emarketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope than Internet marketing since it refers to digital media such as web, e-mail and wireless media, but also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management systems (E-CRM systems

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What is the difference and does it matter?!

Before Digital marketing became the de-facto term, I've been asked this question a lot across the years... does the difference in scope between these terms matter? So, as we enter 2017, I thought it's time for another quick look. Here is the latest comparison from Google Trends between 2004 to end 2016.

Does the difference in these terms and their definitions matter? No, of course not, it's semantics! But it is interesting to see how the scope of Internet marketing vs Digital marketing has changed over time. In my books, when discussing alternative definitions, I explain that, no it doesn't really matter, but the scope and responsibility is important to make the most of managing the opportunities. So the scope of digital marketing activities should be agreed within a business and/or between a company and its agencies. The biggest difference is whether digital marketing is simply seen as about communications (online marketing) or whether it is broader, looking at underpinning marketing technology and options for new online business and revenue models.

The books I've written have actually had three different titles, updated to move with the times. My first text book was titled: Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. I then created E-business E-commerce Management and, with PR Smith, E-marketing Excellence, for professionals a couple of years later. Then, much later, the names switched and in 2012 we renamed the Internet Marketing book to Digital Marketing with the others becoming Digital Business and Digital Marketing Excellence.  About time too, since I was involved in developing the syllabus as an examiner for the first IDM Diploma in Digital Marketing back in 2004-5 when the term was hardly used at all - so it's been great to see 'Digital Marketing' adopted as the 'de facto' term, when I was first involved in defining it with the IDM students in 2004!

Marketing vs Digital marketing

Today, perhaps the bigger question is whether digital marketing is a necessary term concept since some commentators have stated that we're now in a post-digital era with 'almost all' marketing now being digital now digital media and technology have become so pervasive. My view on this, explained in the post above is that we do very much need digital marketing, since many businesses still undergoing digital transformation and recruiting the digital marketing jobs and roles needed to compete. The trend in search volume also suggests there are more people searching for digital marketing than ever before, albeit with a drop before Christmas.

You could also say that what's more useful is to know within the many different aspects of digital marketing, what is important for getting results today. I agree. See these trends in marketing for 2017 for more.

When we wrote the original Internet marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice book in 2000 I used a simple definition of Internet marketing. Internet marketing is...

“Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies.”

I used this succinct definition to helps remind us that it is the results delivered by technology that should determine investment in Internet marketing, not the adoption of the technology!

To help make sure that digital marketing is aligned with growing a business we've developed the RACE marketing strategy framework on Smart Insights which shows how to achieve growth through e-marketing in these 5 areas:
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